Hacking Ptcl users....
It's Very Easy to hack Ptcl user in pakistan.
As you all know the PTCL Broadband gives a Router ( some call it Modem) from which we connect to the internet. What exactly this Router is that it contain the settings about connecting the internet.
Routers have 2 ports open:
1. ftp port 80
2. telnet port 23
default user name and passward are:
default user name and passward are:
Username : admin or user
Passward : admin or user
STEP 1: Finding the IP address.
If you are chatting with your friends on facebook or yahoo or any other messenger
close all application except chat
then chat with him/her 2 mins
then Goto Start ---> run ---> Cmd type netstat -an
it will trace ur friend ip
or another method to trace someone ip
here u got ur ip
suppose i got my ip than I would scan from to182.177.252.250 . Because we connect the internet with Dynamic IP addresses it means that nearby IP address would also be PTCL Broadband users.
STEP 2: Connecting to Telnet or Http Server.
Connecting to Telnet server: Well now when we have the IP address just goto start => RUN then type cmd.exe in it. and following screen will appear . Then type following into it telnet {IP ADDRESS}.
The Default Username is: admin
The Default Password is: admin
Username is : user
Password is : user
The Default Username is: admin
The Default Password is: admin
Username is : user
Password is : user
Router configuration will open.. you can change all settings
Connecting to Http server: Well all the steps are same but this time you use your browser to access the router like show below.
The Default Username is: admin
The Default Password is: admin
and after that:
now you are in his router.
First go to advance setup.
check the ips which are using internet
then goto Nat option
there select Pvc(7)
then go in Dmz host
there place ip and click save
now traffic from internet goes directly to that pc and it got public private ip
then go in run type
file://(ip/ address) C$
the directory C: of tht pc will open asking for username and passward
you can easily crack that user name and passward by using software HYDRA;
For more information or hack ptcl speed add to circles or like us no facebook and post it on our wall (www.facebook.com/hacksthis)
u can hack ur speed by upgrading ur downstream on ptcl server
which is:
it is open on telnet port 80
but for this contact me
dont try it on ur pc beacuse they can trace your location.
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