One of the main tools the Facebook community used to import their blog entries into their private profile or Facebook Fan Page was the Notes Application. It simply required your blog’s RSS and viola! - Anytime you published content to your blog, it would pull that blog post onto your wall.

At times the app was buggy and experienced outages but it always seemed to bounce back. But the next time it went out, it was gone for good. It was then that I started looking at alternative blog importing apps. Here are a couple of alternative third-party Facebook applications that I discovered:

Graffiti on Your Wall is a Good Thing

RSS Graffiti is a convenient way to keep your fans connected to the latest content published on your blog. After installing the application and configuring the settings correctly, your next blog post will automatically broadcast on the news feeds of your fan page and in the news feeds of your fans. Pushing content out from a social media platform is a great way to keep your business in front of the eyes of your customers – and in the process, you will gain some new ones.
RSS Graffiti Facebook App

Networked Blogs Connects You to a New Audience

Networked Blogs is similar to RSS Graffiti but it has a twist – not only will it import your blog feed to your Facebook Fan Page, but it lists your blog in a directory organized by topic (tags) and geographical location.

First you have to register your blog on their network, and then claim it. The claiming process can be a bit tricky and you will need the help of a Facebook friend because they will have to verify you as a blogger. Next, you set up your blog for syndication to make it feed to Facebook, Twitter or both!
Networked Blogs Facebook App 
While both of these Facebook apps make importing blog posts a relatively pain-free process, neither one should be treated as a “set it and forget it” way to push content out. It is still prone to glitches, outages, and things just not working right. As a Facebook Fan Page Administrator, it’s important that you stay on top of what gets published to your wall to make sure everything is working as it should.